Sunday, May 13, 2012

Working Hard

Briggs and Kelly have been working so hard this week on the stone building at 314. We are turning it into a food storage building. They took off the roof and door and cleaned out the floor. It originally was the well house. The new roof is almost done. It is looking good.

I have finally gotten the living room painted after a week of interruptions. I love the colo,r "toast" by Olympic, from Lowes. I took the wall paper down in the foyer and plan to paint it "toast" too. I will do it this week, I hope. I have also painted the master bedroom a light blue green called "glimmer". It is by Behr from Home Depot.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Making A House A Home, Quick!

To me, making a house a home is having flowers all around the yard. So, the first thing I did was to hang the 8 geranium plants I had been collecting in anticipation of buying 314 from the front porch. The wraparound  porch has two rows of gingerbread trim so what better setting for red geraniums to hang from? The next day I planted impatiens in the garden in front of the house. They should grow up nice in the next few months and make a colorful show from the street. With the help of Mr. B. we hung a kitty kat flag I bought from a porch post and put up the house number plaques from Mighty Dollar for only a dollar each. They are so cute on the entry step post. I put a new entrance mat at the front door and "instant hominess". One of my first tasks next week will be to paint the front door black and the transoms around it white. I will look forward to that. Our current home is not seen from the road so no one ever sees my garden creations but now our lovely home improvements will be seen by all who pass by. They might even get a glimpse of me out in the yard in my grubbies working away.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"We Did It"

As Dora always says at the end of her show, "We did it, we did it." And we did. We had the closing on our house yesterday, May 1. Should remember that date easy! The closing was very quick and not complicated at all. I was surprised. I give a lot of praise to the realtor, Debbie Perry. She is a wonderful realtor as well as person. Kind of like a friend. After the closing we went over to our new house and started assessing all the things we want to do. I hung geraniums on the porch. I think there were eight. Briggs started investigating all he has to do to make this home work for us. Storage is the BIG thing. And for me it it is a new KITCHEN. But in time it will all come together and we will be settled and happy at 314.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tomorrow Is The Day

We have our closing tomorrow. It is the day we become the owners of two homes. Oh my! I hope our other house will sell soon. We have a showing on Thursday. In the meantime we are going to the lawyer's at 11:00 tomorrow to finalize the sale and become the owners of 314. Then we will have the key and get busy fixing it up the way we want to. Hope we don't find any surprises except good ones. Briggs is excited to start his food storage building in the old stone well house. I am going to hang geraniums and plant inpatients along the front flower garden. The first thing we are going to do is put up a decorative flag to show that a family is living there again after one and a half years of standing empty. Do you think the old house will be happy about that? I hope so! The Lord has been guiding us through this experience for quite a while now and praise be to Him who loves us.