Sunday, July 1, 2012

It Has Been A Long Time

I see my last post was May. We have been so busy that I have not been able to take the time to post pictures of our progress on our new home at 314. Redoing a building for food storage, painting, putting up fans, waiting for new kitchen cabinets, all in the last 6 weeks. We still have not moved in if you can believe it. We knew Katie was coming to visit with her family so we have stayed in our current home so they would have a comfortable place to visit. Besides, our new kitchen is not in yet and we want to have that all finished before moving in. That will take place next week and then the final push to move will take place. In the meantime we are moving a little at a time and have a few rooms finished. I must confess that some aspects of this old house are a little overwhelming for me and I come back to Rockhouse Road and wonder why we wanted to leave this beautiful piece of property and move to a smaller plot of land, essentially starting over with everything, but in the end I know the move will be good for all of us and that the Lord takes care of us and leads us in the direction that is good for us if we have faith. Already, Dad and Kelly are so happy with the move and all they are doing at the new home that it makes me happy to see them pleased. I will be pleased too when I finally get to call 314 home. Rockhouse Road, I will miss you but we must move on. Pictures of all of our projects will be posted soon.